
Professional Demolition Services: Things You Should Know

February 21, 2024

Sanford & Son Hauling and Demolition Specialists provide quick and complete demolition services all over the Baltimore and Annapolis areas. Here are a few things to take into account.

As much of a quick and easy process we make our Maryland demolition services look; it takes trained professionals to plan everything that goes into proper demolition and hauling services. When it comes to reliable demolition work, any professional can tell you the obvious, but important things to take into account. If you have questions that go beyond, "when do I need to call a demolition specialist?", Sanford & Son is here to let property owners know the other important things to know when starting the professional demolition process.

Of course any professional demolition specialist will tell you to not try to do it yourself, to notify the neighbors, and bring in an asbestos inspector. But here are a few more words of advice from your local professionals:

Don’t try to live there:

If you’re a homeowner and having demo work done to your house, don’t try to live there during the process. No matter what part of the house is being worked on, and no matter how isolated you think you might be from the harmful dust in the air—there is no way to truly avoid it. When your home is having demoltion work done to it, that might be the time to take your family on that road trip you’ve been planning.

You’ll bite off more than you meant to chew:

Once one wall comes down, many more end up coming down as well. Once you catch a glimpse of a more opened-up space, it will typically sound like a good idea to open up a little more than you rignally intended.

Go all the way:

If you’re going for a complete home remodeling, the demoltion and demolition removal process is the perfect time to make sure you check inside the exposed wall fixtures to clear out any leftover electrical wiring or insulation.

Take all the advice you can get:

If you have a neighbor who has gone thorugh the demoltion process before; listen to every word they have to say about how to prepare yourself for the process.

As much fun as it is to provide our demolition and hauling services to homeowners of Baltimore and Annapolis areas, there is a lot of planning that goes into making it a quick and easy process. When it comes to reliable demolition work, we are happy to lend our communities a little extra advice. Move out temporarily, do what you can handle, but go all out—and remember to listen to your friends and neighbors who have gone through the experience before. And if you're looking for the best junk removal in Baltimore, or have any more questions… click here.